Thursday, December 6, 2012

Erratic Ringing for PAP2T-NA and SPA-2102 Phone Adapters

I thought I’d pass along a tip for people with Cisco/Linksys PAP2T-NA or SPA-2102/3102 phone adapters.  I was having difficulties the phone ring tone on a PAP2T-NA being erratic (which can be heard in the file “DefaultRing.mp3”).  It was especially noticeable to the customer as they had their phone connected to a loud ringer and the fluctuation in sound was amplified.

After some research on the Internet I found that this can be controlled somewhat by the ATA itself.  If you go into the Advanced Settings as the Administrator User, under “Regional Settings” you’ll find this section.  Below are the defaults:

I found that if you changed the Waveform, Voltage and Frequency to Sinusoid, 90 and 25 (Waveform, Voltage, Frequency) it had a dramatic effect on the sound of the ring.  This can be heard in the file named “DefaultRing-Sinusoid-90V-25Freq.mp3”.