Thursday, July 28, 2011

Five reasons Android (CTRL+H Android --> Blackberry) is superior to the iPhone

I subscribe to many of the newletters that the TechRepublic puts out.  Often they are more fluff than anything, but occasionally there's a very interesting article and makes the endless e-mails worthwhile.  I received one today with an article titled "Five reasons Android is superior to the iPhone".  Jack Wallen lays out 5 reasons reasonably well, but I couldn't help think that you could say the exact same for Blackberry devices....

#1 - Application Options;  Options?  You want options?  Man, I didn't even know that was an issue on iOS.  Here, check out theses options for ScoreMobile FC, one of my favorite apps.

Cowboys & Aliens -- W()()T!

Let's see.., yup "Settings" (synonymous with "options")

#2 - Updates; Huh?  You need iTunes to get application updates?  Really?  I guess BlackBerry App world counts as OTA.  And I'm pretty sure you can update via your desktop too.  Oh, and don't like the version of the OS your carrier has certified?  Go download it from some small wireless providers site hosted by Blackberry and upgrade yourself.  Genius!

Man, and I just updated this thing.  Oh well, a simple pic is all you get.
#3 - No iTunes; Well... I don't think I need to say anything about that.  I could complain that there is no Linux version of the Blackberry Desktop, but since I don't use it either, I won't bother.  I guess you could say Android is superior to Blackberry because it doesn't use Blackberry Desktop.

#4 - Multitasking; Again, Blackberry has done multitasking for YEARS.  Yes, years.  Similar method, hold the Blackberry button down, switch applications.  WHAT A CONCEPT!
Woooooah..... (Bill & Ted reference)
#5 - Application installation; Blah blah blah... yes you have several methods to install applications.  OTA, via Blackberry Desktop,, other Web AppStore, etc.

Anyways, I don't think those are the real reason Android is superior.  I can't think of much else to write, maybe I'll come back later and post something to support all this.  But, probably not.

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